was planning to wake up late and as usual, i failed.
woke up abit too early today, around before 6am?
actly ive woken up few times already but i jst didnt bother to get up.
so like i went back to bed and until around almost when i couldnt stand anymore,
i jst got up from bed and went to sit in front of the computer.
cleaned the toilet and part of my room this morning.
*AHEM* very guai hor? :P
cousins came over at about 10am and we went to Apple Cafe for lunch.
went to Jom Heboh after that and omg, the place was crowded and it was damn hot.
only daddy and i went down cause mummy had to go to the pharmacy.
then like we went back half an hour later?
supposed to go back again in the evening but it was raining.
had dinner at grandma's house and went out again.
went around Miri finding for a pharmacy(yes, again).
its cause mummy's gum was hurting alot bahh.
wanted to go to Boulevard de but the surrounding area was filled with cars.
went to find for other pharmacies but all were closed
so no choice but to go to Boulevard.
luckily it was open and we went it.
was looking at the medicines there and i was thinking "should i study this next time?"
uhhhs, im still thinking about what to study once im out of Form 5. *sigh*
well, after mummy bought her medicine, heres where the interesting part comes,
we went passed Speedy and mummy suddenly stopped and looked in.
i asked her why she stopped and surprisingly she said "看一下周杰伦的album出了吗".
i couldnt believe she would say that whats more shocking was that his album has arrived !
i went to take a look and there were only 2 of his albums there.
then she took one of it and went to the counter.
i was like "你在干吗?" and she said shes buying it.
omg i was totally speechless. @@
isnt she the best mummy ever? :D
omg i love you sooooo much right now.
remember in one of my posts i mentioned about asking her to buy me his album?
i told her to give to me either as Christmas or Birthday present mahh,
then i said Christmas better cause its nearer and she wont buy for me without reason de.
but who knows this happened and i am friggin happy at the moment.
woohooo, i can go to bed with a big smile on my face tonight.
hahah well, im gonna end my posts with some pictures
and i'll be on my way to dreamland to find Jay Chou. LOL
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