Parkson opened around 10am and we went in. was looking for nail polish at Elianto but i didnt buy. only Tracy. she ate her brunch in KFC and i bought some fries. was eating halfway when Michelle came. after eating, we went up to McDonalds and eat again. lols this time only Michelle ordered but we ate some of her food also lor. she ordered the uhh Golden blablabla and they got included this limited Olympics glass. got Athletics, Swimming, Shooting, Volleyball and Archery. when it was our turn to order, only left the Swimming, Shooting and Archery. i wanted the Swimming one bah so Michelle ordered the thingy thingy so i could have the glass[thank you !]. actly i wanted to buy it but it costs like RM8+? while thinking about whether i should buy it, this couple at the next counter wanted my glass but i was like holding it tightly so they couldnt see. so in the end they didnt take any glass at all. do feel kinda bad but whatever larh. at least i got what i wanted. HAHA. im not always that mean okay?
talked talked talked at McD's and Tracy's gan jie, Sze Yun came along. then we went up to the arcade and played abit. Sze Yun left when we're about to watch the movie. ahh, about the movie, it was okay. Brendan Fraser is still hot as ever. and the guy who acted as his son was hot too. haha i dont quite remember what the first and second movie was about though but this one was quite okay. jst sayang not enough action in this movie. hehs it was about 2 hour long and after movie-ing, we walked up and down of Parkson. went to the toys section and the baby/toddler section also. spent about half an hour looking at toys and baby clothes. so cute larh some of em. haha then we saw alot of familiar faces. Blein was there too pakto-ing with his gf. what a cute couple :D
came home at around 5.40pm like that and now im here blogging. haha gonna go downstairs now and get ready for the last episode of They Kiss Again. the last episode was really saddening. cried alot watching it and i guess my shirt's gonna be wet again like the last time i watch that episode. haha. btw, i wanna watch Dont Mess With The Zohan. didnt know that the main actor was played by Adam Sandler. goshh and umm here are some pictures taken. although it aint much thats but yeah, i guess that practically wraps up today.
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